EARS require that all members adhere to the EARS Membership agreement, and the EARS code of ethics.
During the application and renewal process, members attest that they have read, understood, and agree to adhere to the EARS Code of Ethics in its entirety. Members must further agree that a failure to adhere, as determined at the sole discretion of EARS membership comity, will result in action such as denial of membership application or renewal, or revocation of membership.
To ensure that EARS members adhere to such responsibility and accountability, EARS has adopted this Code of Ethics (Code).
European Association for Interventionists, Recovery Coaches and Recovery Specialists is a nonprofit membership organization Founded in November 2017, whose Mission is to:
EARS members must adhere to the highest levels of professionalism and ethical conduct through the entire continuum and spectrum of interventions, Recovery Coaching, Sober Companions, and Recovery Specialists.
EARS members agree to work within professional boundaries at all time within each country and culture.
EARS members must be respectful of fellow members, their practice, their therapeutic discipline and their clients.