EARS Code of Ethics

EARS require that all members adhere to the EARS Membership agreement, and the EARS code of ethics. 

During the application and renewal process, members attest that they have read, understood, and agree to adhere to the EARS Code of Ethics in its entirety. Members must further agree that a failure to adhere, as determined at the sole discretion of EARS membership comity, will result in action such as denial of membership application or renewal, or revocation of membership.

To ensure that EARS members adhere to such responsibility and accountability, EARS has adopted this Code of Ethics (Code).

PRINCIPLE 1: EARS membership is a privilege

European Association for Interventionists, Recovery Coaches and Recovery Specialists is a nonprofit membership organization Founded in November 2017, whose Mission is to:

  • To raise public and professional awareness of Interventionists, Recovery Coaches, Sober Companions and Recovery Specialists.
  • To encourage the practice of greater ethics and the implementation of high standards of professionalism, education, training and certification; and
  • To create a safe and collaborative network of like-minded professionals, to explore, support and implement best practices within Europe.

PRINCIPLE 2: EARS and it’s members believe that the people we serve shall be provided with the most appropriate care and when needed referred to other professionals and/or practioners or other medical care.

EARS members must adhere to the highest levels of professionalism and ethical conduct through the entire continuum and spectrum of interventions, Recovery Coaching, Sober Companions, and Recovery Specialists.

EARS members agree to work within professional boundaries at all time within each country and culture.

EARS members must be respectful of fellow members, their practice, their therapeutic discipline and their clients.

PRINCIPLE 3: Ethical consideration in Referring to Treatment

  1. Competent treatment services that address the physical, emotional, social, and spiritual needs of the patient, and where applicable, the family, must be provided.
  2. Treatment must enhance the dignity and protect the human and legal rights of the patient and family.
  3. EARS members ought to engage the patient in treatment planning and decision-making throughout the continuum of care.

PRINCIPLE 4: Management of EARS members’ practice

  1. EARS members must employ or work with a credentialed team, where credentials are applicable, who subscribe to the professional and ethical standards of their disciplines.
  2. EARS members must foster relationships with other health care providers to ensure that they are an integral part of a community’s health care services system.
  3. Fee structures must be reasonable, transparent, and available to the public.
  4. EARS members must not receive commissions, per bed fee, kickbacks, bribes, or any fee from a Treatment Centre that doesn’t cover work such as Case management fee, aftercare and/or family liaison for the client.
  1. EARS members must prohibit and not engage in any way, discrimination against, or harassment of, any colleague, employee, applicant for employment, or client because of race, color, nationality or ethnic origin, age, religion, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, veteran status, or any other characteristic protected under the applicable country of the country they live or primarily work in, or under the Eurozone’s Law.
  2. EARS members must conduct ongoing internal evaluation of their operations as part of a commitment to ongoing improvement, as well as ongoing commitment to learn and update with their individual educational body of training, whether it is required by your certification body or not, including and not limited to attending a minimum of one EARS event per year.

PRINCIPLE 5: Confidentiality and Self Promotion (Marketing)

  1. EARS members must not exploit patients’ dignity and rights to privacy for any purpose at any point of marketing, or care, and must adhere to patient rights, law, and regulation.
  2. EARS members must respect patients’ rights to privacy. Patients’ identities must not be revealed, either in the form of photographic images, video images, media coverage, social media or in marketing testimonials, at any time during the client’s engagement. Use of a patient’s identity is permitted only following the completion of treatment and only with the patient’s written consent.