Experts Found: 4
Ashley Craig (he/him)
Ashley Craig (he/him)Promoted

Ashley is a highly skilled and internationally trained professional in the field of recovery coaching,
intervention, and case management. With a strong focus on helping individuals and families
overcome addiction, Ashley brings extensive experience to his practice.

Ian A. Young
Ian A. YoungPromoted

“Helping people attain & maintain addiction recovery through professional services”

Theo de Vries (he/him)
Theo de Vries (he/him)Promoted

Theo is a compassionate and dedicated Certified Recovery Specialist with multiple years of experience in the addiction and recovery field and has over a decade of personal recovery from substance use disorder. Specialized in providing individualized support as an Recovery Coach, Sober Companion, Counselor, Interventionist, Case Manager and Sober Transporter, helping clients and their families navigate their road to recovery. Skilled in developing and implementing tailored recovery wellness plans, focusing on holistic and patient-centered approaches.
Besides support for individual clients, i'm available for residential and outpatient treatment centers and sober living facilities as an 24/7 live-in Recovery Assistant (Recovery Manager, Live-In Counselor).

Jose Luis Martinez
Jose Luis MartinezPromoted

Jose Luis, following his own personal journey into recovery, dedicates himself
to helping suffering families and clients with passion and commitment.
A graduate of New Hampshire College he holds two bachelor’s degrees
(Business Administration and Marketing) and also a Master in Commercial
Management and Marketing by ESIC (Madrid).